Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is Rhodonite

Old world folklore legend has it that the gemstone Rhodonite was once used to make service platters in Russia, often being given as a gift during royal czarist weddings. The word Rhodonite comes from the Greek word rhodon, meaning ‘rose’. In antiquity it was given to travelers as a protection stone. It was said to warn them from imminent danger by causing the heart-beat to accelerate suddenly.

Physical and healing powers of Rhodonite are believed to decrease and increase attention to detail and have a calming effect and cope with changing circumstances, it is thought to be helpful during examinations and prevents mental blocks. It increases language skills and raises self-esteem.

It is normally created by metamorphosis in manganese ore mines where it forms chain silicate triclinic crystals, with black flecks formed by inclusions of manganese dioxide. Colors of Rhodonite are typically deep pink to mauve with inclusions of black, although some stones can be red, orange, or completely black.

It is considered the astrological birthstone for Scorpio and the star sign of Taurus. It can be found in South Africa, Australia, China, United States, Mexico, and regions of Urals.

For more gemstone jewelry check out Timeless Designs.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is Rhodonite

Old world folklore legend has it that the gemstone Rhodonite was once used to make service platters in Russia, often being given as a gift during royal czarist weddings. The word Rhodonite comes from the Greek word rhodon, meaning ‘rose’. In antiquity it was given to travelers as a protection stone. It was said to warn them from imminent danger by causing the heart-beat to accelerate suddenly.

Physical and healing powers of Rhodonite are believed to decrease and increase attention to detail and have a calming effect and cope with changing circumstances, it is thought to be helpful during examinations and prevents mental blocks. It increases language skills and raises self-esteem.

It is normally created by metamorphosis in manganese ore mines where it forms chain silicate triclinic crystals, with black flecks formed by inclusions of manganese dioxide. Colors of Rhodonite are typically deep pink to mauve with inclusions of black, although some stones can be red, orange, or completely black.

It is considered the astrological birthstone for Scorpio and the star sign of Taurus. It can be found in South Africa, Australia, China, United States, Mexico, and regions of Urals.

For more gemstone jewelry check out Timeless Designs.