Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dolomie to Dolomite

Named after French mineralogist D. de Dolomieu (1750-1801), who described it in 1798 during a visit to Egypt with Napoleon Bonaparte. The mineral’s original name was dolomie. It is used in manufacturing of refractory bricks for furnace linings. The mineral is composed of calcium and magnesium carbonate, being similar to calcite. Dolomite is found in metamorphic marble rock and occurs as a gangue mineral in veins with sphalerite or galena. Its most important occurrence, however, is as a rock-forming mineral in carbonate rocks. Crystals are commonly rhombohedral or tabular, and often have curved faces. Dolomite can be coarse to fine granular, massive or fibrous, which is rarely seen. Pearl spar is a variety with a pearly luster and colored white, gray or pale brown. Bitter spar is an iron-bearing variety, colored brown by ankerite.

This piece is a touch of Indian Southwest design using a beautifully cut and polished Dolomite pendant; accented with Arizona Pipestone and Ivoryite with a touch of silver/pewter throughout.

Find this and many other unique designs available for purchase from our collections.
*Research from various gem/mineral books and website.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Strawberry Vanilla into Jasper

All natural stones from the Arizona mines; it looks like strawberry swirls but really its peppermint jasper mixed with creamy vanilla ivoryite; designed by Gayle. Summery set for causal jeans, t-shirt or dress up that summer dress for an afternoon or evening.

Jaspers: Protection, nurturing, joy, awareness; balancing of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual energies.
Browse our collections of available designs for any season.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dolomie to Dolomite

Named after French mineralogist D. de Dolomieu (1750-1801), who described it in 1798 during a visit to Egypt with Napoleon Bonaparte. The mineral’s original name was dolomie. It is used in manufacturing of refractory bricks for furnace linings. The mineral is composed of calcium and magnesium carbonate, being similar to calcite. Dolomite is found in metamorphic marble rock and occurs as a gangue mineral in veins with sphalerite or galena. Its most important occurrence, however, is as a rock-forming mineral in carbonate rocks. Crystals are commonly rhombohedral or tabular, and often have curved faces. Dolomite can be coarse to fine granular, massive or fibrous, which is rarely seen. Pearl spar is a variety with a pearly luster and colored white, gray or pale brown. Bitter spar is an iron-bearing variety, colored brown by ankerite.

This piece is a touch of Indian Southwest design using a beautifully cut and polished Dolomite pendant; accented with Arizona Pipestone and Ivoryite with a touch of silver/pewter throughout.

Find this and many other unique designs available for purchase from our collections.
*Research from various gem/mineral books and website.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Strawberry Vanilla into Jasper

All natural stones from the Arizona mines; it looks like strawberry swirls but really its peppermint jasper mixed with creamy vanilla ivoryite; designed by Gayle. Summery set for causal jeans, t-shirt or dress up that summer dress for an afternoon or evening.

Jaspers: Protection, nurturing, joy, awareness; balancing of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual energies.
Browse our collections of available designs for any season.